Monday, January 16, 2012

What's Up?

Oh, the things we see when we look up.....

Or...trying NOT to look down...

You can "monkey around" while looking up....

See new things from a higher vantage point......

and the beauty of a full moon......

The sky makes the best back drop to a photo....

Birds know, What's up!

oh, the simple beauty of creation....

Take time to just look up and see.......
the beauty that is all around us.


  1. I love looking up too!!. When we get the chance to go to parks, etc. Many of the pictures I take are looking up through the trees towards the sky. Duane always ask..."what are you doing?"..and I tell him, "I love what I see looking up."

  2. I have a lawn chair that leans back like a lazy boy recliner. My favorite is to lay back & just watch the sky. Love the pictures.

    1. Yes, there is just something really peaceful about watching the sky. Thanks, Judy and Karen!


Thank you for leaving me your vantage point