Monday, January 16, 2012

The Company We Keep.

There is just something about a boy and his dog......

                                                      They are such faithful friends...

Always good for a hug....

At rest....

and at play.....
They know how to have a good time......

 Hide n' Seek...anyone?

Here we are!

oh....They take A LOT from us...
  and don't ask why....
Faithful friends....through it all.

Oh, the company we keep.  

such unconditional LOVE.


  1. Awwwww I just love posts like this one!!!! Thanks for sharing it!!! Pammy

  2. Lovely photograpy. Nothing is sweeter than a boy(s) & his dawg.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It is sweet to see our pooch be SO in love with his family ("Pack") Trust your having a wonderful B-day today!


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