Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all!

Today I woke up to that ole'
 familiar chill in the air.

it was October 1st!


I was thrilled that another Florida summer

                          was  f i n a l l y over.

I laid in bed feeling all cozy, with my blanket around my face. 

               I was savoring the moment. 

I was laying there remembering my days in Indiana. 

All the leaves on the ground. 

The smell of fall.....and Harvest time!!!

The piles and piles of raked leaves that my brothers and I would make forts out of. 

I could hardly wait to step outside and breath in the fresh cooler air...........

I got moving.....

 I let the dog out of his crate.......then
started making my coffee......
Headed for the back door...........

As I opened it.....sudden disappointment!
           It was still          hot and humid!          

                       I had set the AC too low the night before. 
                                          twas only a dream.....



                                Happy Fall to Y'all!

As for me......

                I will patiently wait for that coolness
                              in the "outside" air.  

1 comment:

Thank you for leaving me your vantage point